Loreto Prague

Organ Guided Tour

Don't miss this special event, reserve the date in advance!

Are you interested in the history of the Organ? Do you want to see the Loreto interiors which are normally not open for visitors? We invite you to this special guided tour!

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The history of the Organ will be explained by Loreto organist and music journalist Radek Rejšek. You can look forward to the demonstrations of classic organ music, of course. You will also visit a newly restored left oratory of the church, which is not normally open to visitors. The Oratory was created as gratitude to Maria Margaret countess of Waldstein who in the 30s of the 18th century have supported the extension of the Loreto Church. Over time, the oratory was deprived of its original equipment and was used as a warehouse. Now the area is newly rehabilitated to be a worthy place again. Enjoy it!

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The participants will meet 10 min. before beginning the tour at the main entrance to the Loreto. Please note that max. 20 visitors in one tour. Please note – tours MUST BE booked in advance via loreta@loreta.cz and is possible only in Loreto organ season (after Easter holidays to the end of October) – write us the time you want to book with number of persons and  if the date will be suitable for Mr. Radek Rejšek we'll confirm it! Looking forward your visit!

Guided tour price CZK 100,- (the entrance to the whole Loreto Sanctuary in NOT included).


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